Thanks to Time.com |
Imperial Palace, Thanks to Hiren.info |
The main language in Tokyo, Japan is Japanese, but nowadays many people are learning English as a second language. Religion in Japan is quite different from other countries. Many Japanese people do not following a single religion, but incorporate elements from various religions in syncretic fashion, known as shinbutsu shugo. Religion is not a very strong force in Tokyo. About 70% profess no religious membership, 84% claim no personal religion, 64% do not believe in God, and 55% do not believe in Buddha. The government of Japan is a constitutional monarchy where the power of the Emperor is very limited. Power is held chiefly by the Prime Minister of Japan and other elected member of the Diet. The Diet consists of a House of Representatives, containing 480 seats, elected by popular vote every 4 years or when dissolved and a House of Councillors of 242 seats, whose members are elected every 6 years.